Clover Products

You are here because you are having an issue with your Clover hardware (Flex, Mini) or software (Payments Plus, Register Lite). Here are your support options:

1. Instant Answers from Discount Payments
There are some issues we've helped merchants resolve that are common enough we decided to create guides for them. This way you can instantly resolve them for yourself and get on with your day. We will continue to add to these.

Is your Clover device not turning on? Click here for the answer.

Are you having connection issues? Click here for the answer.

2. Clover Help Centre
Clover's online knowledge base is really great. We highly recommend this be your first stop if you don't see the solution to your issue above. Their help centre is very user friendly and easy to navigate.

A quick search will very likely provide you with a detailed step-by-step answer.

3. 24-hour Tech Support
Clover's technical support staff are available to you 24/7/365. The easiest way to reach them is directly from your Clover device. Simply swipe right from the device homescreen (not the lock screen), and tap the "Call Me" button. An agent will reach out to you shortly. You will also find your MID (Merchant ID) there, which the agent will ask for.

If you don't have your device handy, you can call them directly at 1-888-263-1938. You can also use your "Merchant Number" found at the top of any page of your processing statement to identify yourself to the agent.
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Didn't find what you're looking for?
Fill in the contact form here and we will be happy to help!

For anything account related - banking change, business name change, questions about fees, etc. - this is the right place.

We're also always happy to give you a personal walkthrough of the Clover's apps & features, online dashboard, or your processing statement.

Feel free to call us at 1-888-871-7163 if you need immediate assistance.